R&D Software Development

Proven R&D team continues system/software development activities in the following areas to be used in automation projects in the Proven’s business domain:

Robotic Technologies
Test Automation Technologies
Robot Vision
Deep Learning and Artifical Intelligence
Test Tools for the Automotive, Aerospace, Rail and Medical Industry

Our Tool offers the automotive industry test engineers, a tool for integration tests for lab and in vehicle testing, Enabling engineers to:

-Analyze messages sent to and from ECUs,
-Analyze performance indicators
-Detect root causes of errors

Easy analysis of errors, real-time resolution, performance on high bus load environments and a flexible solution.
-Visualization of routing tables
-Automatic failure detection
-Integrate with existing data-logging systems
-AI based anomaly detection
Our Tool provides tools to create simplicity in other domains such as Automotive, Aerospace, Rail and Medical industry to reduce development costs and ensure quality.
We introduce Robotics Technology to System testing for utilizing the test engineering workforce more effectively.
-Run tests with less workforce and in wider scope
-24/7 utilization of test environments
-Test engineers focus more on test strategy and design
ROBITOR provides opportunity to utilize test engineering work force in higher value-added tasks by transferring the routine activities to robots. Creates an infrastructure for machine learning in testing.
Test Framework for INTelligent Systems

Platforms are transforming into autonomous systems with AI capabilities. Traditional test techniques and tools are not adequate to verify these systems. Our Framework is a testing framework focused on safety critical systems which include AI features.

Our Framework helps companies increase the quality and reliability of their products.
-Automated test data generation using mutation techniques
-Enables extensive verification of autonomous systems
-Extendible for testing variety of software/systems
Our Framework is configurable, adaptable, extendible and enables selection of different test methods.